sábado, mayo 14, 2005

Beatles memorabilia

Though it is not really that but,
remember the song Revolution?
Well, here we go... You said you wanted a war?
Check this out.
She said she is not really in politics. Well, first he said that once, to an ex-friend (or so he thought she was a friend then) and she answered: Well you are not in Politics because you have everything you need. If you were being hungry or attacked or mistreated, then you would be in politics.
So less older days, another she said she is not in politics. And I said, well, as someone who's been to many different places, who has studied economics and who is almost 60 years old, I do respect your opinion and your position. Perhaps that is the healthiest way to live these days of living dangerously. Come on James she said, don't be so radical.
I am not I answered but I think you might like living in Disneyland.
End of conversation.
Now, with my whisky I feel sadness. Values have changed. The same holds true for priorities.
So I feel sad.
This guy feels the same.

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