domingo, octubre 17, 2010

The spirits of my (private) time

Paradise lost hmmm, about three times by my counting.
(ocassional)Love for pets
5 goles de simon
5 goles de luis
pablo chico caminando, su mano en mi mano...
A true love for certain cities
An eternal comparison of the two mythical cities created by marroncito (Chobilán y Platiagua)
On films: comedies and purely-for-fun flicks
A very geeky side
(a sometimes) Very kinky side (and that is private of course my Rocinante)
The sacred game of basque boli
You walking my back as if I were sand
Vos en BsAs, escapada en un hotel de la gran ciudad :-)
You at the backyard, under the vines (U2 concert playing), in that bed in Platiagua, in a not so tiny bed in Thomas island,
an créme with croissant in Neuilly
Snowing evening in Vilnius, Lauryn Hill singing and you
incesantemente hermosa :-)
The effort to make the vanished past, now memories, into a living today...
that sense of happiness, that sense of content, that enduring feeling


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